
The 21st Century Challenges for Teaching Languages is an academic event promoted by a partnership established between the Office for International Affairs and the Coordination for Foreign Languages at Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) and the U. S. Consulate General, in Recife, Brazil.

During the event, that will take place from 26th to 28th September, a series of free-of-charge talks and workshops will be held at the Technology Center at UFPI. The topics discussed will cover a wide range of aspects related to English language teaching strategies.

The expected public (English teachers from public and pivate schools as well as undergraduate English students) is limited to a maximum of 180 participants, selected according to subscription order. Subscriptions will be taken exclusevely online. The lectures and workshops will be delivered in English.


Organizing committee

Dr. Ana Cláudia Oliveira Silva

Dr. Beatriz Gama Rodrigues

Dr. Francisco Wellington Borges Gomes

Dr. Patrícia de Oliveira Lucas

Dr. Vania Soares Barbosa

Venue and contacts

The event will take place at the auditorium and classrooms located at Centro de Tecnologia (CT), at Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), in Teresina, as indicated in the map below. For more information, please get in contact to the Office for International Affairs, at (86) 3215-5976, or the Coordination for Foreign Languages, at (86) 3215-5783.

2018, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI Campus Universitário Ministro Petrônio Portella - Bairro Ininga - Teresina - PI -CEP: 64049-550
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